Kuliah di Inggris


Berdasarkan peraturan saat ini, perbatasan sudah dibuka untuk mahasiswa dan pelajar international yang akan mengunjungi Inggris dengan student visa. Indonesia masuk dalam daftar merah, mahasiswa yang tiba dari Indonesia harus mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut sebelum melakukan perjalanan ke Inggris:

  • Hasil test covid dengan hasil negatif
  • Memesan akomodasi untuk isolasi mandiri setibanya di Inggris baik langsung atau melalui kampus


Ingin Kuliah di UK?

Negara Inggris atau sering disingkat UK (singkatan dari the United Kingdoms) menjadi tujuan kuliah bagi mahasiswa dari seluruh dunia. Setiap tahunnya UK menerima sekitar 400 ribu mahasiswa asing. UK dipilih karena kualitas pendidikannya dengan banyak universitas yang menduduki ranking atas dunia.

Kehidupan Mahasiswa di UK

Semua mahasiswa asing dan para alumni memberikan penilaian tertinggi bila ditanya mengenai pengalaman mereka selama kuliah di UK. Apapun jenjang pendidikan yang dilakukan apakah di sekolah menengah berasrama, mahasiswa di program sarjana atau pasca sarjana akan mengakui telah mendapatkan pengalaman hidup berdampingan dengan rukun dengan orang dari berbagai latar belakang suku bangsa. Dukungan belajar dari tempat belajar atau kuliah serta perhatian akan kesejahteraan para mahasiswa juga dirasakan sangat tinggi.

Cardiff University ISC

Universitas ini berlokasi di pusat kota Cardiff yang bersejarah namun lengkap dengan fasilitas pendidikan yang modern dan merupakan salah satu yang terbaik di Inggris

Dublin ISC

Dublin International Study Centre berlokasi di kampus UCD di kota Dublin, sehingga membantu anda merasa bagian dari komunitas mahasiswa UCD sejak hari pertama

Durham University ISC

Durham University secara konsisten berada pada 100 (QS). Universitas ini merupakan salah satu dari sedikit universitas dengan tradisi collegiate namun dengan nilai pemikiran ke depan.

Kingston University London ISC

Kingston is the university of choice for ambitious students across all industries. It is known for its career-focused courses, excellent teaching quality and entrepreneurial graduates.

Lancaster University ISC

Lancaster University secara konsisten berada pada ranking 10 besar di Inggris. International Study Centre membantu mahasiswa internasional mempersiapkan diri dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan belajar agar sukses kuliah di Lancaster University.

Leeds International Study Centre

This International Study Centres prepares international students to gain admission into these two facntastic universities: Leeds Beckett University and the University of Leeds.

Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) ISC

LJMU provides students with the skills required for professional success through its degrees that are founded on high-quality teaching, ground-breaking research and extensive links with employers, entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Royal Holloway University of London

Royal Holloway is situated on a beautiful campus location just 40 minutes from London, giving international students the benefits of out-of-town living while they study for an internationally recognised University of London degree

Teesside University ISC

We are located in the town of Middlesbrough, in the North East of England. Here you will find friendly locals and other international students from all around you.

The University of Sheffield IC

The University of Sheffield IC provides a dedicated learning environment for international students to reach the academic level they need in their chosen subject, as well as to learn the study skills and independent learning techniques that will be vital to successful progression.

University of Aberdeen ISC

The UK’s fifth oldest university, Aberdeen has been offering life-changing learning opportunities for more than 500 years. Today, it adds to this rich heritage with modern facilities and a 21st-century outlook. Represented by 130 nationalities, the University has an international community and is committed to equality and diversity.

University of Huddersfield ISC

The University of Huddersfield is a campus-based university located in West Yorkshire, in the north of England. Huddersfield is a historic market town close to beautiful countryside and exciting big cities.

University of Strathclyde ISC

University of Strathclyde was established more than 200 years ago as a ‘place of useful learning’. The University’s excellent international academic reputation, vibrant teaching and learning environment, and strong engagement with business and industry attracts students from over 100 countries.

University of Surrey ISC

The state-of-the- art facilities include the Surrey Sports Park, Ivy Arts Centre and the new Library and Learning Centre, where students can benefit from the latest technology and learning amenities.

University of Sussex ISC

Sussex is a leading research university. No matter what their chosen subject, students come into contact with academics who are experts in their fields, working at the cutting-edge of research.